Editor’s Note: This post is based off of work by both Bob Rudis and Kevin Ushey on StackOverflow under the question Using an alternate compiler for Travis-CI R project builds. Thanks also to readers Bhaskar Karambelkar and Dirk Eddelbuettel for making suggestions on how to improve the post.
Recently, the Armadillo
– led by the wonderful, rugged, australian Conrad Sanderson –
has increased the gcc compiler requirement from 4.6 to 4.7.2. In turn, this
rippled downstream to affect any package that has a dependency on
. For users
that do not use Travis-CI to continously check their package
prior to submitting to CRAN, there is no change.
However, for those that do use Travis-CI and its
the default VM/container image – still serving Ubuntu Precise 12.04 despite
the promised transition to Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 – their package will error on a package dependency instead of erroring on the
material being tested. Specifically, the error will be:
checking whether g++ version is sufficient... no
configure: WARNING: Only g++ version 4.7.2 or greater can be used with RcppArmadillo.
configure: error: Please use a different compiler.
The error can be found in the logs associated with the build.
Using functions found in the tools
package released with R 3.4.0, we can
compute the amount of CRAN packages that depend on RcppArmadillo
and, thus,
may end up failing on a Travis-CI build due to the
upstream change.
# CRAN Package Information
db = tools::CRAN_package_db()
# Number of total packages on CRAN
num_pkgs_db = nrow(db)
# Calculate number of dependencies
num_deb_arma = length(tools::dependsOnPkgs("RcppArmadillo",
recursive = FALSE, installed = db))
Thus, there are 480 out of 12602 packages on CRAN
whose testing procedure may be affected depending on their Travis-CI
configuration. For an extended look at these functions in tools
take a look at Dirk Eddelbuettel’s R^4: Easy package information
Simple configuration fix
The easiest change is to pre-emptively set the distro
variable in to trusty.
# Trusty was released later than precise
dist: trusty
This changes the VM image from Ubuntu Precise 12.04 with gcc 4.6.3 to Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 with gcc 4.8.2.
Advanced configuration of .travis.yml
Within this section, I’ll work through the different configuration options I’ve
recently used to re-enable testing on the iccbeta
package. The majority
of configuration options is a mixture between responses by both Bob Rudis
and Kevin Ushey on StackOverflow
under the question Using an alternate compiler for Travis-CI R project builds.
We’ll begin with the standard devtools::use_travis()
function call. From here,
change sudo: false
to sudo: required
# Semi-standard devtools wrapper travis declaration
language: r
cache: packages
sudo: required
We’ll also request the VM to be on a newer operating system, e.g. Trusty 14.04 vs Precise 12.04. For further details, please see Travis-CI’s default VM Environment.
# Trusty was released later than precise
dist: trusty
Now, we’ll request a more up-to-date compiler from the ubuntu-r-toolchain test PPA (i.e Personal Package Archives).
# Install new packages via ubuntu's apt-get manager
# View available compilers in the ubuntu-toolchain-r ppa at:
# https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- gcc-5
- g++-5
- gfortran-5
With the packages installed, we can create symbolic links to different programs
using update-alternatives
Issuing update-alternatives
leads to the link in /etc/alternatives
changed to reflect the correct binary. This setup maintains the current
configuration across the system. If you need to manually set the variables,
please see the end of this post for advice on manipulating ~/.R/Makevars
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gfortran gfortran /usr/bin/gfortran-5 60
Last, but not least, I’ve added the option to build the package on all versions
of R that the DESCRIPTION
file indicates is supported.
- 3.2
- oldrel
- release
- devel
If all goes well, then you should end up with a nice green test matrix.
Over the course of the post, we had a situation where the default compiler
on Travis-CI had to be changed due to new requirements
in a package dependency. The details of the .travis.yml
file for the
compiler changed were addressed separately and are available for a single script
download here:
Misc Note
If there is a preference to avoid overriding the binaries gcc
and g++
in /bin
or not using sudo: required
, then a similar effect is possible by explicitly
telling R about the new compiler versions. Achieving this is possible
by specifying implicit variables found in R’s ~/.R/Makevars
One important note to raise is the CC
declaration also include a fixed
compilation standard of 1999. This is due to the openssl
package failing without it being set, which in turns causes failure to occur
in installing devtools
# Specify local Makevars configuration
- mkdir -p ~/.R
- VER=-5
- echo "CC=gcc$(VER) -std=gnu99" >> ~/.R/Makevars
- echo "CXX=g++$(VER)" >> ~/.R/Makevars
- echo 'CXX1X=$(CXX)' >> ~/.R/Makevars
- echo 'CXX11=$(CXX)' >> ~/.R/Makevars
- echo 'CXX14=$(CXX)' >> ~/.R/Makevars
- echo 'CXX14=$(CXX)' >> ~/.R/Makevars
- echo "SHLIB_CXXLD=g++$(VER)" >> ~/.R/Makevars
- echo "FC=gfortran$(VER)" >> ~/.R/Makevars
- echo "F77=gfortran$(VER)" >> ~/.R/Makevars