uiucthemes v0.2.0 Released

The University of Illinois is undergoing a rebranding campaign to shift away from the beloved “Column I” to the “Block I” logo. Per the official brand website, the colors and logos previously used were in violation. This update seeks to address this inconsistency.

Furthermore, we’ve added two new contributors to the package. These contributors have provided a second minimalist beamer theme and ideas toward a student final report template.

uiucthemes news file entry for version 0.2.0 (2018-01-22)


  • Added additional YAML header options such as licensing and safecol feature to beamer_illinois()
  • Included a preliminary version of beamer_orange() template created by Prof. Steven Culpepper
  • Developed a template off of jss style to be used for final reports with Dr. David Dalpiaz.
    • This will be updated at a later point to use bookdown’s pdf_document2() option.
  • Added a non-exported helper function load_resources_if_missing() that loads any required resources into the document’s working directory if they are missing (e.g. ilogo.pdf).


  • UIUC recently adopted new identity standards. This version of uiucthemes applies the new guidelines in two ways:
    1. the “Column I” logo to the “Block I” logo.
    2. Orange and Blue colors have been updated…
      • Orange: #f47f24 / rgb(244,127,36) to #d75536 / rgb(215,85,54)
      • Blue: #003c7d / rgb(0,60,125) to #1d2639 / rgb(29,38,57)
  • Moved README images to tools/readme to ensure images appear on CRAN.


  • The name of the uiuc_beamer() theme has changed to beamer_illinois() as a means to consistently group themes by underlying technology.
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