uiucthemes v0.3.0 Released - Illinois-themed Metropolis HTML and Beamer Templates

The uiucthemes package is an organizational R package that provides unified brand templates based on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s (UIUC) identity guidelines. In particular, the package houses different Beamer and HTML slide templates hooked into R Markdown.

After almost a year of no updates, uiucthemes has been updated to contain two new Illinois-themed templates based on the metropolis theme. In addition, the project has moved over to the illinois-r organization on GitHub. If you are interested in contributing to the uiucthemes package, please feel free to open a PR at the project’s repository: https://github.com/illinois-r/uiucthemes

The Illinois-themed version of Metropolis is available in both HTML and beamer. The latter uses a new technique to stylize the files through a header-include instead of a pure pandoc template replacement. That said, this release marks the first entry into providing HTML slides based on remark.js through xaringan R package. Lastly, we adopted the AUTHORS and COPYRIGHTS files to specify how different portions of the package came into existence.

Screenshots of newly implemented themes:



uiucthemes news file entry for version 0.3.0 (2019-10-02)


  • Added the beamer_imetropolis() template that modifies the Metropolis theme to match slide deck.
    • The slides are powered by Matthias Vogelgesang’s metropolis, formerly mtheme, for Beamer.
  • Added the html_imetropolis() template that provides a custom illinois-themed Metropolis slide deck.


  • Added an AUTHORS and COPYRIGHTS file to describe the different templates in the package.
  • Improved documentation on the Beamer slide decks.
  • Updated contributor email.
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