edmdata v1.1.0 Released: New Low Attribute Oracle Q and Documentation Fixes

The edmdata package (GitHub, Website) provides data sets from various administered assessments that can be used in diagnostic modeling. These data sets have been analyzed in various papers that introduced new methodology as part of the application section.

In this release, we add one additional oracle Q matrix and fix an issue with a prior oracle Q matrix that was included in the package. Moreover, we addressed CRAN remarks regarding DOI links.

All changes can be found in the news entry below.

edmdata news file entry for version 1.1.0 (2021-01-14)

Data Sets

  • qmatrix_oracle_k2_j12
    • Oracle Q Matrices for J = 12 Items and K = 2 Traits.


  • Fixed use of DOIs with URLs instead of \doi{}.
  • Fixed an issue with K = 5 attribute in qmatrix_oracle_k5_j30

GitHub Changelog

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